Deanna Albano is a Venezuelan psychologist. She receives a monthly pension of 10 US-Dollar. How does she survive? An interview published by Swiss magazine Das Magazin.
Deanna Albano is a Venezuelan psychologist. She receives a monthly pension of 10 US-Dollar. How does she survive? An interview published by Swiss magazine Das Magazin.
Venezuelan General Angel Vivas has barricaded himself in his house, heavily armed, to avoid arrest. I visited him. Published by Swiss Das Magazin and Austrian news magazin profil.
Fidel Castro sent thousands of Cuban doctors to Venezuela to work in the health missions installed by Venezulean president Hugo Chávez. Many of those Cubans are defecting to the West crossing the border from Venezuela to Colombia. From there, they […]
Präsident Chávez kann künftig am Parlament vorbei regieren. Offizielle Begründung für das Ermächtigungsgesetz: die Krise nach den wochenlangen Regenfällen. Die Opposition spricht von einem “weihnachtlichen Hinterhalt”. Zum kompletten Artikel hier.
Venezuela’s socialist president, Hugo Chávez, has gained power and lost popularity – and is battling the highest murder rate in the world. I stood outside the Caracas morgue to watch the day-to-day entrance of murder victims.
A new parliament is elected in Venezuela. The left-wing populist President Hugo Chávez can count on re-election – he has forced the private sector into a tight regulatory corset. Zum kompletten Artikel hier.
Venezuelas Streit mit Kolumbien über die Farc-Rebellen schadet der diplomatischen Beziehung beider Länder. In seiner Heimat verliert Hugo Chávez an Glaubwürdigkeit. Zum Artikel hier.
Venezuelas Präsident Chávez hat in Moskau viele Panzer und Raketen eingekauft. Doch die wahre Militärmacht Lateinamerikas ist heute Brasilien. Zum kompletten Artikel hier.